Avengers: Age of Ultron Review



Back in 2012 when the first Avengers movie made its long awaited appearance on theater screens across the world, the film was hailed for its stellar accomplishment; bringing a comic book nerd’s dreams to life by featuring Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and The Hulk together in the same movie.

Four years later, the magic of seeing my favorite heroes together on screen was just as thrilling with Age of Ultron as it was back in 2012; even with a couple of newcomers added to the mix.

Director Joss Whedon is able to recapture the witty and entertaining dialogue between the heroes, and shows again why he’s the master of banter. One scene involving Thor’s hammer is was one of the more enjoyable dialogue-driven scenes in the movie.

Each actor perfectly portrays his or her hero. Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark once again steals the show with Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth flexing their muscles as Captain America and Thor.

The biggest surprise for me was Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye. In the first original, Renner’s Hawkeye got the short end of the stick since he was Locki’s personal puppet for half the movie. This time around, the character is fleshed out and has more to work with.

Age of Ultron is able to take full advantage of not having to waste time with a back-story, as the first 10 minutes of the movie get right to the action, which is top notch and continues the fun tradition Marvel has established. There are plenty of “jaw-dropping” and applause-worthy moments, along with a lot of teaming-up between Captain America’s Shield and Thor’s hammer.

The highlight of the action for me was the big battle between Tony Stark’s “Hulkbuster” suit and The Hulk. That scene alone is worth the price of admission, and is cluttered with incredible action sequences.

The newest additions to the team include Elizabeth Olson as Scarlet Witch and Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Quicksilver. While they are vastly overshadowed by the star-power of the other heroes, they are still enjoyable additions, even if I preferred Quicksilver’s portrayal in Days of Futures Past. My favorite new inductee was The Vision played by Paul Bettany. Vision instills a sleek confidence which was missing from the gritty group of heroes, and his introduction opens the door for future events in the Marvel universe.

The introduction of new heroes, however, adds to an already clustered ensemble. While Whedon does the best he can and is mostly successful, the crowded-ness does take away from other parts of the movie.

For example, James Spader’s Ultron is not given an rigorous back story, as his origin feels rushed. With a stronger back story, Ultron could have been a much more compelling villain. However, once Ultron establishes himself as the “bad guy,” Spader excels at conveying Ultron’s intentions and detest towards mankind’s current state.

Hulk, smash?

My biggest gripe with the movie was the random romance between Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow and Mark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner. The reason’s for their interest in each other makes sense, but the relationship is totally out of left field and feels unnecessary, especially for a film that is tasked with balancing so many story-lines at once.

Also, some scenes involving Scarlet Witch and members of the Avengers seemed a bit out of place, and detracted from momentum in certain junctures of the movie.

Overall, Age of Ultron is as much fun as its predecessor. Whedon succeeds yet again at meshing these larger than life personalities, while giving each the appropriate amount of screen time. The action is breathtaking and rekindles the magic of the first one. Not once did I think, “oh, I’ve seen this before. Despite a rushed origin story for Ultron, and a shoe-horned romance between Johansson and Ruffalo, I never felt bored while watching this movie.

5/5 Just-as-ripe-as-the-last apples

Most Anticipated Movies For 2015


2014 was a fantastic years for movies. The types of successful movies varied, with big, successful blockbusters and low budget indie flicks captivating audiences around the world. Now that 2014 is over, here are my top five most anticipated movies for 2015.

5. Chappie: “Chappie” will mark director Neil Blomkamp’s third sc-fi installment, following the very successful “District 9” and the solid “Elysium.” Blomkamp’s visual style is what I like most about his films, as both “District 9” and “Elysium” both had some of the best visuals I have seen in any movie. “Chappie” will follow a robot who has become the adopted son in a “dysfunctional” family. I anticipate a heartfelt tale of a robot trying to find it’s niche in a human society, and I will not be surprised if Blomkamp is able to suck a couple of tears from audiences’ eyes.

4. The Hateful Eight: Quentin Tarantino directing this film is more than enough to land this movie on my list. I was a huge fan of “Django Unchained,” and I’m hopeful that we will get more of the same from Tarantino’s latest installment. Samuel L. Jackson and Tim Roth, both favorites of Tarantino’s will star in the movie, but so will Channing Tatum. As a fan of Tatum, I am very excited to see how he will perform under Tarantino’s direction.


3. Jurassic World: The original Jurassic Park trilogy consists of one classic movie, one solid movie, and one disaster. “Jurassic Park 3” left a bad taste in the franchise’s fan’s mouths, and I’m hopeful that Jurassic World will get the Jurassic Park franchise back on the right track. Chris Pratt will be starring in the film as a man who is tasked to hunt down a new, genetically enhanced dinosaur that is loose in the film’s newest dinosaur amusement park. My biggest concern with the film is Pratt’s character; will he be able to pull off a more serious character like the trailers are portraying him as? He was able to pull off a somewhat serious, but more goofy role in “Guardians of the Galaxy,” but it looks as if this role will require a more serious performance from Pratt. Anyway, I am cautiously optimistic, but extremely excited for this film to hit theaters.

2. Star Wars: Episode VII-The Force Awakens: The last time the “Star Wars” franchise was in theaters, it was wrapping up one of the most disappointing trilogies of all time. This time around, JJ Abrams is at the helm as director, and I am very confident that he will breathe life back into this cherished franchise. He has proven that he is fully capable of pulling off a great sci-fi movie with his “Star Trek” movies, and as a big fan of the “Star Wars” franchise, I’m sure he will do everything he can to make this movie the best it can be.

1. Avengers: Age of Ultron: Seeing “The Avengers” in Theaters back in 2012 was, and still is the best time I have ever had at the movies. The film had everything a good movie, let alone a comic book movie, should have; epic action, drama, comedy, and compelling characters. With the all-star cast from the first film returning, and new additions such as Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen, Marvel’s newest addition to The Avenger’s saga is shaping up to be as good, if not better than the first film. 

Of course, there are plenty of other potentially great movies coming out in 2015. These, however, are my most anticipated movies of the year. Do yourselves a favor and go see each of these films. This is shaping up to be another great year for movies.