Let’s Be Cops Review



In order to be a good comedy, a movie needs to be funny. That means, making the moviegoer laugh a lot. Not a little, a lot.

Unfortunately, Let’s Be Cops only managed to make me laugh a little.

Directed by Luke Greenfield, and starring New Girl stars Jake Johnson, and Daman Wayans Jr, Let’s Be Cops’ premise is simple: Two guys decide to go to a costume party dressed as cops, and people (mostly drunk girls) believe they’re actual cops. The two then decide to represent the law as a couple of fake LAPD cops, and go on to do some very dumb, and unrealistic things.

There’s your movie.

While the premise is simple, Let’s Be Cops had a lot of leeway, and so much potential that was just wasted because of NinaLets-be-Copspoor directing and sloppy storytelling. There are moments in this movie that just feel useless to the plot, such as Wayan’s love interest. She feels so shoehorned into the movie, and is basically a plot device so that Johnson and Wayans can come face to face with the villain played by James D’Acry. She is hot though, so I can’t complain too much.

Another thing this movie has going against it is it’s runtime. At 109 minutes, this movie is about 20-30 minutes too long. Keeping this movie to about 80-90 minutes would have made a huge improvement to both the plot, and the movie itself.

One of the most disappointing aspects of this movie was Rob Riggle’s character. The usually funny Riggle is completely wasted in this role, and his poorly written lines hardly made me laugh.

It’s not all bad, however. As a fan of the television show New Girl, I’ve seen Johnson and Wayans Jr. together in actionletsbecops0813 before, and I have enjoyed their work on the show. Once again, these two have pretty good comedic chemistry throughout the movie, and save it from being a total disaster. D’Acry’s villain character was okay in the movie. He’s no Heath Ledger Joker, but he does the best he can with the material he’s given, and looked as intimidating as he needed to be for the role.

Also, Keegan Michael Key plays a minor character in the movie, and is one of the few funny characters this movie has to offer.

There are some funny moments in this movie don’t get me wrong, especially in the first half. However, Let’s Be Cops’ runtime goes against it as it loses its mojo by the middle of the movie, and the laughs don’t come frequently enough for this movie to be considered a good comedy.

How do you like them apples? These apples are mostly sour, although I didn’t find any worms in them, so I didn’t throw them away completely.

2/5 barely funny sour apples.

Ranking the Summer of 2014 Movies


With the summer of 2014 coming to a close, let’s look back on what was one of the best summers in terms of movies we’ve had in a while.

Here’s my top 10 movies for the summer of 2014!



10. 22 Jump Street 22_Jump_Street_Poster

The hilarious duo of Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum gave it a second try after the surprisingly funny 21 Jump Street, and were very successful. This time around, the the laughs hit just as hard, although maybe not quite as often as the first. Tatum and Hill were great once again, and definitely have the best comedic chemistry of any duo in Hollywood right now. While I still like the first one a little more, 22 Jump Street was still a very funny comedy, and a good time at the movies. Also,  this movie includes some of the funniest end credits you’ll ever see.

Godzilla-2014-Teaser-Trailer-Poster9. Godzilla

This was one of my most anticipated movies going into the summer, and I’m sad that It isn’t higher on my list. Nonetheless, I still enjoyed Godzilla a lot, and it made up for the 1998 disaster starring Matthew Broderick. Bryan Cranston is fantastic in the movie, showing off his talents as an actor, and even going a little Heisenberg in a few scenes. Aaron Taylor Johnson was fine in the leading role, although there wasn’t much emotional weight with his character. The CGI looks beautiful, Godzilla himself in particular. The action scenes were total eye candy, and the last 15 minutes made the movie for me. Bring on the sequel!

8. NeighborsMV5BOTQ0OTkzODgyNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTA3OTE4MDE@._V1_SX214_AL_

With a hilarious cast, and directed by Nick Stoller (Get Him to the Greek, Forgetting Sarah Marshall), Neighbors was the funniest movie I saw all summer. Seth Rogan is his usual self, and has great chemistry with Rose Byrnes, who might be the funniest character in the whole movie. Zach Efron was surprisingly funny, and the portrayal of fraternity life was accurate and hilariously over the top at the same time. With plenty of dick and fart jokes, Neighbors was the raunchiest movie I saw all summer.

7.  The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Coming off the success of The Amazing Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 marked Marc Webb’s second chapter in his version of the Spidey saga. While this The_Amazing_Spiderman_2_postermovie got a lot of mixed reviews, I generally enjoyed it. Andrew Garfield is the perfect Peter Parker/Spider-man and I believe, in time, could become what Robert Downey Jr. is to Iron Man. What made the movie for me though is the chemistry between him and Emma Stone (Gwen Stacy). Webb’s work on 500 Days of Summer definitely shines in the moments between the two characters. The actions scenes are intense and well done, and it includes one of the most heart breaking scenes of any movie this summer. The villains, especially Jamie Foxx’s Electro, are kind of weak, but luckily Garfield is able to carry the load.


6. The Fault in Our Stars

tumblr_mydouiYnl31sfevmio2_500I’m probably one of the few 20-year-old males that has read John Green’s novel, or at least admit to reading it. Anyway, I really enjoyed the book, and I thought the movie version did a great job in translating the source material to the big screen. Shailene Woodley gives a great performance as Hazel Grace, and really showed her range as an actor. Ansel Elgort is also good as Gus, and the two have great chemistry throughout the movie. The movie is a good mix of drama, comedy, and just straight up depressing. There are definitely a lot of sad scenes towards the end, but it ends on a happy note. I only shed one tear, so I consider that a win.

5. X-Men: Days of Future’s Past

In the days leading up to the release of Days of Future’s Past, I caught up on everything X-Men since I had never seen a single X-Men movie before. The last minute sX-Men-Days-of-Future-Past-Cast-poster-570x829tudying paid off, as Days of Future’s Past was one of the best comic book movies I have ever seen. Featuring members of the old cast and new cast, Future’s Past was definitely unique in its own way. The story was interesting, the action was well done, and the acting was top notch. Hugh Jackman continues to kill it as Wolverine, and James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender give excellent performances as Magneto and Xavier. While he wasn’t in the movie much, Evan Peter’s Quicksilver was one of the best characters in the movie, and has one of the best scenes in any comic book movie ever.

4. Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians_Of_The_GalaxyGuardians of the Galaxy is one of those movies that gets better the more you think about it. Chris Pratt completely owns the Role as Star-Lord, but it’s Bradley Cooper’s CGI character Rocket Raccoon who steals the show. What made the movie for me was the characters. The main cast does a fantastic job, and their development as a team is so entertaining to watch, and even more gratifying to see pay off in the end. With plenty of badass action scenes, humor, and heartfelt moments, Guardians was one of Marvel’s best movies to date, and I can’t wait to see what Marvel has in store for these characters in the sequel.

3. Edge of Tomorrow

Edge of Tomorrow surprised and impressed me so much, and I was so happy it wasn’t the piece of trash I thought it would be when I watched the trailers for it. Love him or hedge-of-tomorrow_tom-cruiseate him, Tom Cruise does a great job in this movie, and proved that he can still put the weight of a big summer blockbuster on his shoulders. Emily Blunt also does a great job in her role, and is one of the most badass woman characters I’ve seen in a movie. The story, which is a lot like Groundhog Day in the sense that it’s about a man who relives the same day over and over again, never feels repetitive, and feels fresh every time, which is a huge accomplishment. With a clever story, compelling characters, and great action scenes, Edge of Tomorrow was one of the best movies of the summer.

2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

While technically The Winter Soldier came out before the summerMV5BMzA2NDkwODAwM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODk5MTgzMTE@._V1_SX640_SY720_ movie season began, I decided to include it anyway. This movie was flat-out entertaining from start to finish, and made up for the mediocre first Captain America movie. With one of the best opening action scenes in any marvel movie, The Winter Soldier hit the ground running and never stopped. Chris Evans continues to be the perfect Captain America, while Samuel L. Jackson is still awesome as Nick Fury, and Scarlett Johansen still kicks ass as Black Widow. What made this movie so good, though, was The Winter Soldier himself, as he is one of the best villains Marvel has ever had. Even though he doesn’t have much dialogue, his presence added so much excitement to each scene he was in. With a story that includes brains, The Winter Soldier was one of the summer’s best movies, even if it missed the cut by about a month.

1. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

MV5BMTgwODk3NDc1N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTc1NjQwMjE@._V1_SX214_AL_With a summer filled with sequels, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was the best. Improving on the already good Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Dawn was The Dark Knight in terms of great sequels. Caesar steals the show hands down in this one, as Andy Serkis’ brilliant work in motion capture shines in every scene Caesar is in. Seriously, Oscar worthy in my opinion. Caesar’s character was one of the best characters in any movie this summer, and you really feel for him despite the fact that he is a CGI ape ( thanks to Serkis magic). The CGI is beautiful, and the apes look real in some scenes, especially in close up shots. The human characters do a really good job in the movie as well, especially Jason Clarke’s character. However, it’s the apes that steal the show, and that is the way it should be. With a good story, beautiful CGI, heart, great action, and a compelling character in Caesar, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was my favorite movie from the summer of 2014.


This list was ridiculously hard to make……

Thanks for reading!


My Favorite Movies: Jaws




Dun Dun…Dun Dun….Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun.

The instantly recognizable score by the brilliant John Williams is one that sends shivers down my spine whenever I hear it. It is one of the most iconic scores in all of movie history, and accounted for about 50% of Jaws’ success back in 1975.

As a kid, I loved marine life. Whales, dolphins, sharks, you name it. I loved them all, and one of my favorite species of shark was the Great White. So, when I first watched Jaws as a kid, I instantly fell in love with the mechanical shark. Back then, all I saw was a shark. I didn’t care about characters or story, I only cared about the shark.

Today, I  appreciate Jaws for what it really is….a cinematic masterpiece.

The premise of Jaws (based off a novel by Peter Benchley) is very simple; a man-eating shark has been terrorizing beaches on an island, and it’s up to a group of men to venture out and kill it.

While the premise is simple, the way it plays out is what makes Jaws such a fun, terrifying ride.

The stars include Roy Scheider as Brody, Robert Shaw as Quint, and Richard Dreyfuss as Hooper. Scheider’s Brody is a play-it-by-the-book police chief who likes to play things safe, while Shaw’s Quint is the complete opposite as a hard-nosed fisherman who plays by nobody else’s jaws1rules but his own. He also has one of the most famous character introductions in movie history. Dreyfuss’ Hooper is a marine biologist who is hired by Brody to come help study the shark, and supplies most of the comedic relief throughout the movie.

If the music accounts for 50% of the movie’s success, then the characters (including the shark) account for the other 50%. The characters really steal the show, and the interplay between them is so entertaining, especially since they are so different. Their performances are also great as well. Scheider is totally believable as Brody, Shaw does a great job as the badass Quint, and Dreyfuss’ Hooper has excellent comedic timing, while also delivering in the more serious scenes.

One scene in particular involves the three characters talking about old scars they have, and is probably the best scene in the movie. Each actor shines, and Shaw in particular delivers a great performance in the scene, as Quint recounts a terrifying story from his past.

One of the best parts about Jaws is Director Steven Spielberg’s use of suspense. The shark itself does not appear until halfway through the movie, and the initial reveal of the shark will shock anybody jaws15_slide-0edae03fce416754a138a46557f7e70b31ce654a-s6-c30watching
for the first time. This was due in part to the difficulties with the shark Spielberg faced while filming Jaws. The shark would constantly malfunction while on the set, and it took multiple takes before they could get any usable footage of the shark. See for yourself!  Jaws Shark Being a Pain in the Ass

When the shark was not being shown, Spielberg uses clever ways of showing that the shark was present in the scene, such as floating barrels, and pieces of wood. The iconic fin was also used a lot to show that the shark was in the scene. It’s this cleverness by Spielberg that adds suspense to scenes, and makes the movie that much scarier.

When the shark does finally appear on screen, it looks great, especially for 1975.

Jaws is an instant classic, and one of the best movies of all time. It is filled with wonderful performances and compelling characters, while delivering some of the most iconic music ever to appear in a movie. You will want to avoid the beaches for a little after watching this one.

How do I like them apples? These apples hold a special place in my heart. I loved them for their juiciness as a child, but I’ve grown to appreciate the taste even more today. Just be careful when bobbing for them.


5/5 classically crisp apples

Guardians of the Galaxy Review


guardians_of_the_galaxy_wallpaper_1920x1080_by_sachso74-d7ng2pv As I said in my Avengers review, I am a big fan of the Marvel cinematic universe. When I first heard about Guardians of the Galaxy, I was skeptical because it was a more obscure piece of the Marvel comics, one that I had no idea even existed. Also, the fact that a walking tree and a talking raccoon were lead roles didn’t exactly have me jumping with anticipation.

After finally seeing the movie last night, I can safely say that Guardians of the Galaxy is one of Marvel’s best, funniest, and most fun movies to date. Oh, and the walking tree and talking raccoon? They’re show stealers.

Guardians of the Galaxy is about a rag-tag group of misfits who join forces to stop a being known as Ronan from destroying, well, the galaxy.

The movie is directed by James Gunn and stars Chris Pratt as Peter Quill/Star-lord, Zoe Saldana as Gamora, Dave Bautista as Drax, and the voice talents of Bradley Cooper as Rocket, and Vin Dielsel as Groot.

Pratt has proved his comedic talent in the show Parks and Recreation, where he plays the goofball Andy, and in his work in the Lego Movie. His talents are on display here again, as Pratt completely owns the role of Star-Lord, and is the perfeguardians-galaxy-movie-trailer-humorct mix of badass and funny. One minute he’s doing something very heroic, and the next he’s cracking jokes. Pratt’s ability to transition from one to the other so seamlessly is impressive, and this role will probably earn him even more opportunities down the road. He also has some very nice dance moves.

That’s another thing about Guardians. It’s hilarious. Every character has their own comedic moments, and they each work. Bautista as Drax especially, as the wrestler turned actor has great comedic timing. Even the lovable Groot, who only says three words for the majority of the movie, is able to convey a lot of humor through his physical actions. Out of the group, Saldana’s Gamora is probably the least funny, but what she lacks in humor, she makes up for in ass kicking. She’s like the Black Widow of the group, and I wouldn’t mind seeing a cat fight between her and the actual Black Widow in the future.

If Groot is the Chewbacca of Guardians, then Rocket Raccoon is the Han Solo. I’ve heard a lot of comparisons between Guardians and Star Wars, and after seeing the movie for myself, I have to agree with them. The duo of Rocket and Groot is definitely very similar to Han and Chewy, and both characterGuardians-of-the-Galaxy-Rocket-Raccoons will surely be fan favorites for most audiences. Rocket is definitely the show stealer in this movie, as his character is just a flat-out badass. He’s also hilarious, and his character shows as much emotion as any of the human actors. You almost forget you’re watching a CGI talking raccoon in certain scenes.

As much fun the movie is, there is also some heart and charm sprinkled in. You really feel for the characters by the movie’s conclusion, and some scenes are almost cry-worthy. Each character has a driving force that motivates them, and the movie does a great job fleshing them out. With so much humor, these types of scenes do a great job in bringing balance to the movie.

Like the Avengers, the interplay between the characters is what makes this movie special, and watching them become a closer team over time is both gratifying and entertaining. They all have such good chemistry with each other, and I would honestly pay just to watch these characters sit in a room together and have a conversation.

The soundtrack in this movie is awesome, and definitely one of the strongpoints of the movie. So many classic 70s and 80s songs are played throughout, and I almost felt like clapping along to the beat at times. If you don’t believe me, have a listen for yourself!     Star-Lord’s Awesome Mix Vol. 1

While there are so many good things to talk about with this movie, there are some things that could have been improved. GOTG_Bus-Shelter_Ronan_v1_lg The Villain, Ronan, played by Lee Pace is pretty weak, and unfortunately falls into the category of forgettable marvel villains. Not everyone can be Loki I suppose. He just is bad for the sake of being bad, and doesn’t really have much motive behind his actions. He is basically a puppet for the all-powerful titan Thanos, a villain who will play a huge role in the MCU down the line. Thanos is teased in a couple of scenes, and he looks and sounds like a total badass. The Avengers look like they’ll have their hands full down the line. Since Guardians is so out there and different than any of the other Marvel movies, it took me a bit to get into it. There’s a lot being thrown at you in the first 20ish minutes, and it’s a lot to absorb. After it all soaked in, however, the fun really began, and I was able to enjoy the movie for what it was.

Guardians of the Galaxy is another great entry into the Marvel cannon, and is one of their best movies yet. It’s hilariously funny, and has some heart and charm mixed in along the way. The main cast is great, and their interactions are so entertaining to watch. I cannot overstate the music in this movie. Please click the link above and proceed to dance your socks off. The villain is weak, and movie is a lot to take in at first, but eventually you just have to enjoy the ride.

How do you like them apples? These apples are out of this world tasty, and only get better the more you eat them. A few sour bites along the way, but not nearly enough to ruin the experience.

4/5 galacticly fresh apples.


My Favorite Movies: The Avengers



I have a very wide taste in movies. I like little indie flicks like 500 Days of Summerbut I also love big summer blockbusters, and I am a huge fan of the ever expanding Marvel movie universe.

Back in 2008 when Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) graced movie screens around the world with his presence after the end credits of the first Iron Man, Marvel fans went into a nerd frenzy (myself included) because they knew what was coming in the future. Four years and four movies later, Marvel released their game changer…..The Avengers.

The movie is filled with star-studded actors, including Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Evans as Captain America, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk, Scarlett Johansen as Black Widow, Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Clark Gregg as Agent Coulson, and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. Needless to say, the movie is pretty crowded with Heros and talented actors, and all the pressure in the world was on director Joss Whedon to deliver a fantastic movie.

He did exactly that.

With such a talented roster, the biggest concern going into the movie was the distribution of scenes from actor to actor. Would Jeremey Renner’s Hawkeye be a weak link in the movie? Would Robert Downey’s Iron Man dominate screen time? The answer to both of those questions is no. Whedon does a fantastic job giving each actor their moment in the Limelight, and does not give anybody the short end of the stick.

The performances in the movie are excellent, and while we already knew Robert Downey Jr. was the perfect Iron Man, Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth really came into their own as Captatheavengersin America and Thor. Even newcomer Mark Ruffalo did a fantastic job as The Hulk, my personal favorite character in the movie. Scarlett Johansen and Jeremey Renner kicked ass as Black Widow and Hawkeye, despite the fact that they are just humans fighting alongside and against Gods, superhuman, and aliens. They each found their niche in the movie, and Whedon does a great job at illustrating that during the big fight scenes as the two of them focused more on the human devastation. Clark Gregg reprises his role as the lovable Agent Coulson, and does another good job in the role, and Samuel L. Jackson plays himself wearing an eyepatch……which is completely okay and awesome.

A problem most Marvel movies have faced is their villains. Luckily, Tom Hiddleston saves the day (kind of) as the mischievous Loki. He is one of the most dynamic villains comic book movies have seen since since Heath Ledger’s Joker due to his depth as a charactLoki-the-avengers-30884491-800-1004er. He’s not just bad for the sake of being bad. He has a history which justifies his actions, and you can tell there is an inner struggle going on inside of him, which creates a sense of sympathy. He is also one of the funniest villains to every appear in a movie, which makes him more likable to an audience.

The interaction between the characters is what really sets this movie apart from other blockbusters. While the epic fight scenes and explosions are awesome, the interplay between the characters is what makes the movie. Seeing Captain America and Iron Man go at it while Thor just laughs in the background at how petty humans are is very entertaining to watch, but it’s their growth as a team that sucks an audience in. Like they say, when the going gets tough, the tough get going, and that is exactly what these heros do. They put their differences aside and fight together as a team, and it’s fucking amazing to watch unfold. The third act of the movie is worth the price of admission alone, as you really get to watch each member find their role in the fighting, and the creative ways Whedon has them work with each other is clever, and awe inspiring.


The humor that marvel has established in their previous movies is back, and it continues to be a strong point of each film. The humor is well timed, and never feels silly, or out of place. There were multiple times where I found myself LOLing.

Seeing this movie in a packed theater on the Thursday night release was an experience I won’t soon forget. There were so many moments where fans literally got out of their seats to scream and clap in appreciation. It was the most fun I’ve ever had at the movies.

It’s rare that a movie with so much riding on it, and so many years of planning pays off in such grand fashion, but The Avengers accomplished this and then some. It set the bar for big budget superhero movies, and is Marvels best movie to date (until Age of Ultron comes out….fingers crossed).

How do you like them apples? I adore these apples. They’re the type of apples I want to eat every time I go to the orchard, and they’re the type of apples that everyone should try at least once. If you’re not a fan, then you’re seriously missing out.

5/5 awesomely fresh apples.

My Favorite Movies: 500 Days of Summer



(500) Days of Summer film stills

Just to preface, I am a sucker for romantic comedies (also known as rom coms). Something about the feel good, corny, and usually happy endings just gets to me, and pulls at my very manly heartstrings. 500 Days of Summerhowever, is not like your average romantic comedy.

The narrator makes this very clear in the opening minutes of the movie by saying, “You should know up front, this is not a love story.”

The premise of the film is pretty basic; a man falls in love with a woman who does not believe that true love exists. You can pretty much tell where this one is headed, right? Perhaps. However, the way the story is told is what makes this film not just your average romantic comedy. The narrative is what sets 500 Days apart from other rom coms, as it takes a Tarantino-esque approach at times by going into the future to tell what is currently happening in the film. The editing is very clever, and uses the film’s title to it’s advantage by telling the story of the two’s evolving relationship in a calendar-like sort of way by transitioning to different days out of the 500 total. The use of days and tones also gives the film character, and helps tell the story of how the relationship is going. For example, the good days are bright and sunny, while the bad days are dark and gloomy.

This is the film that made me a fan of Joseph Gordon Levitt’s work as an actor. His performance in the movie is a great combination of funny, sad, and at times, heartbreaking. You really feel for his character, especially in the emotional scenes (especially as a guy). Zooey Deschanel is also good in the movie as her usual cute, and quirky self. Her character goes through a major arc throughout the film as well, and her view on relationships completely changes by the film’s conclusion.

Director Marc Webb (Amazing Spiderman 1&2) really knows how to direct cutesy, romantic scenes, and his work in the recently rebooted Spiderman films support this, as the relationship between Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy are strongpoints for each film. The chemistry between Levitt and Deschanel is top-notch, and a big part of that is due to Webb’s direction. His biggest achievement, however, is that he makes their relationship feel so real and believable to viewers.

The soundtrack in the film is also a great addition, as artists such as Temper Trap and Regina Spektor add nice background noise throughout the film, and really add more emotion to scenes.

500 Days of Summer is not your typical rom com, and it works to the film’s advantage. The narrative adds character and makes the film unique, the chemistry between Levitt and Deschanel is believable, Webb does a really good job directing romantic scenes, and the soundtrack is Spotify search worthy.

Some people find the ending to be corn city, but I personally was a fan.

How do you like them apples? I like these apples a lot. They’re the type of apples that I would love to have my friends try, especially my lady friends. They never get old, and they’re sweet with just the right amount of sour.

5/5 Freshly picked apples.