Top Five Most Anticipated Movies for the Fall


With the summer movie season officially over (and what a summer it was), here’s my top five most anticipated movies for the fall! Oh, and because I’m so cool, I included the release dates and trailers for each.



5. The Skeleton Twins (September 12th)

Starring Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader with supporting actors Luke Wilson and Ty Burrell, The Skeleton Twins is shaping up to be one of the funniest movies this fall. The hilarious former SNL duo reunite as a brother and sister who come back together after being apart for 10 years. The film has already gotten high praise, and won best screenplay at the Sundance Film Festival this year.



4. Nightcrawler (October 31st)download

Releasing on Halloween, Nightcrawler looks like it could be one of the more unsettling movies this fall. Jake Gyllenhaal plays a freelance crime journalist, who, as the trailer shows, is a little mentally unstable. Bringing back flashes of Christian Bale’s performance in American Psycho, Gyllenhaal could get some serious Oscar consideration, and that’s just from watching the trailer. Also, the phrase “You have to make the money to buy a ticket” will be stuck in my head for a while.



3. Birdman (October 17th)


Birdman is a black comedy about a washed-up actor who used to play a superhero, and is now struggling in the later years of his career. The hilarious thing is that the film stars Michael Keaton, who used to play a superhero himself back in the day when he played Batman. With an all-star cast including Emma Stone, Edward Norton, Naomi Watts, and Zach Galifianakis, Birdman is one of the more intriguing films coming out this fall.



2. Foxcatcher (November 14th)

Foxcatcher posterThe unlikely pairing of Channing Tatum and Steve Carrell should already have you interested in this film, but Foxcatcher just looks flat-out good. Tatum, who has done drama in the past, but is better known for his role in the Jump Street movies, will have a chance to flex his dramatic muscle alongside Carrell, who seems a little miscast in this role. However, early reviews are saying that Carell excels in the dramatic role. Based on a true story, I expect Foxcatcher to get some serious Oscar buzz following its release.



1. Interstellar (November 7th)

MV5BNDYzODY0NDcxNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTAzOTQ3MTE@._V1_SX640_SY720_Christopher Nolan and Matthew McConaughey. That should be all you need to hear for you to want to see this movie. Directing his first movie since the conclusion of his Dark Knight Trilogy, Nolan die-hards will be flocking to see this movie, and why not? Has the guy ever directed a movie that wasn’t awesome? Interstellar also has McConaughey in the prime of his career going for it. With a big, ambitious plot involving space travel and the lives of the human race in the balance, Interstellar is my most anticipated movie of the fall season.

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